Recruitment PDAM
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum
Kota Malang 2011
Water supply systems in Malang has existed since the days of the Dutch Government and the provision of drinking water for major cities of Malang began on March 31, 1915, which then supplies the drinking water provision, known as the Big City WATERLEIDING VERORDENING Malang.
Dutch government utilize water from water sources Authorship is currently located in the district of Malang to meet the needs of the community clean water Malang.
In 1928 using a wired system Brom Captering, water from these sources is transmitted by gravity to the reservoir and Betek Dinoyo.
Due to the rapid population growth and the need for clean water increases, in 1935 the Regional Government of Malang City put together a program increase of water discharge Binangun production by utilizing resources that are currently located in the Stone Town area of 215 liters / sec.
On December 18, 1974 with the publication of Regional Regulation No. 11 of 1974, Drinking Water Units to change the status of the Regional Water Company. Since then the Regional Water Company Malang Municipality has status of legal entity and has the right to autonomy in the management of drinking water.
With the development of Malang City which would trigger the increase of population in Malaysia resulted in an increased need for clean water anyway, so as to meet and to maintain continuity of water services to consumers for 24 hours continuously, PDAM Malang increase production capacity by managing the Water Resources Wendit located in the district of Malang, and some springs in the city of Malang by using pompanisasi system.
Answering the national strategic issues where drinking water is a basic human need to meet the health aspect as well as the factors driving economic growth and increasing degrees nationwide is highly dependent on the ability of the drinking water supply services, the Regional Water Company Malang City seeks to improve services to the community will meet need for drinking water quality standard that meets drinking water quality requirements.
As one embodiment of improved services especially in improving the quality of water produced by the PDAM of Malang, Drinking Water Zone program implemented Prima (ZAMP) with a pilot project on Housing Pondok Indah Malang Blimbing. The program is technically assisted by PERPAMSI cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). On the program this ZAMP water can be drunk straight from the tap without having to go through a process that is cooked in the conventional treatment. This program has been developed for the service area of Tandon Mojolangu which currently has reached 15,000 customers. It is an attempt implementation of PP No. 16 of 2005 where the water is distributed by taps to the public in 2008 must be qualified drinking water.
Now PDAM Kota Malang is open position for:
1. Staf Bidang Hukum (HKM)
2. Staf Non Revenue Water (NRW)
3. Staf Perencanaan Teknik (PRCN)
Detail vacancies in Bahasa Indonesia please download the PDAM Kota Malang document below:
Source: Cis-Cus